Categories: Yoga

Yoga Asana: An Intro

There is a range of asanas developed over time for different situations and preferences. Even though there are many varieties, they all mostly can be classified into two major categories: therapeutic and meditative. Both categories have many hundreds of different Asanas but all of them are commonly direct to benefit both the body and the mind.

In yoga, when we begin, the main untold idea is to activate the seven chakras in our body through five prayer poses or positions. Chakra here refers to the key energy points, each associated with a different part of the body along the spine from the perineum to the crown of your head.  Each chakra is associated with a particular body location, a color, a central emotional/behavioral issue, as well as many other personal aspects including identity, goals, rights, etc.  The seven chakras are, Mooladhara (मूलाधार) – base of the spine; SvaAdhishtana (स्वाधिष्ठान)- abdomen, genitals, lower back/hip; Manipoora (मणिपूर)- solar plexus; Anaahata (अनाहत) – heart area; Vishuddha (विशुद्ध) – throat; Aajna (आज्ञा) – brow; Sahasraara (सहस्रार)- top of the head, cerebral cortex.

Getting some basic knowledge of the theory behind yoga, before you begin, may be beneficial to a great extent when you start practicing it.  The actual positions or poses of Yoga may seem complicated or difficult in the beginning.  It’s important to understand that all of the basic positions of Yoga are designed to improve the body’s strength and flexibility, and as these characteristics are improved it also makes the positions more comfortable and easier to master. You will feel the transformation as you progress doing it consistently. That perhaps is “the secret” anyone really gets any benefit from doing yoga.

Yoga is something that is most beneficial when doing in a comfortable environment.  It’s important to learn the discipline to enter and leave each new pose or position slowly, as the muscles will stretch better when they are still warm. Don’t hold the poses and positions longer than what is natural for you either. There is a common misconception about Yoga that it is only for the tremendously flexible who can contort themselves into weird and wonderful positions.  When you become more used to practicing the asanas each day, one by one, the benefits definitely will allow you to hold any position with more ease for longer periods of time.

The Yoga positions are generally quite easy to get into but they do have several different depths in many cases.  This means that a complete beginner can move into a position and still benefit from it at a great level after many years of Yoga.  There are some advanced positions that a beginner should not bother much about. Even as a beginner, you can still get benefits, as you are not at ease with some of the positions that an instructor is capable of doing. 

The benefits of doing yoga correctly and consistently with a religious attitude are innumerous.  Lubrication of the joints, ligaments and the tendons will result directly from performing the exercises best suited to you.  Posture will increase dramatically and you will also experience a sense of wellbeing. There is also a deeper spiritual level to Yoga that will move you closer towards it and enhance each time you stretch and go through the breathing exercises.


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