Top 3 Ways Of Pineal Gland Activation- “Opening The 3rd Eye”

Top 3 Ways Of Pineal Gland Activation

People who constantly search for the self have always nurtured this thought that “we are not living up to our true potential”. But once we pronounce it openly, most of the rest also agree that it is true. 

In most of the cases, we can feel the difference between whether we are in a higher potential state or not. But still, we don’t know why we often fail to operate from our highest power in the first place. One of the major reasons is that the functioning of our brains rarely meets the true activation level it is supposed to attain.

The good news is that activating our brain to its full potential is possible by making some changes in our routine lifestyle embracing some essential yoga style of living.

Today I’m going to touch upon one of such important parts of our brain called the ‘pineal gland’ also referred to as the ‘third eye’ by Hindu mythology. 

In this article, we’ll be focusing on the pineal gland and its traditional methods of activation, often called “opening the third eye” the psychic awakening.

Top 3 Ways Of Pineal Gland Activation- “Opening The 3rd Eye” 

Because of the time and space constraints, I’m conveniently skipping other vast details about this topic such as the origin, why is it important, cause and effects, references, other traditions and practices etc.

Here my intention is to give a quick way to master it in short and effective ways. My top 3 priority based on my experiences are listed here as follows:

1_ Meditation

There are many varieties of mediations practised around the world. Even though the transcendental meditation is considered to be the king of all variations, I recommend 3rd-eye meditation specifically for the pineal gland activation purpose. I learned this method from “BrahmaKumaris” long back. 

2_ Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is referred to as awakening of the psychic centers or chakras, which exist in every individual. (Please refer to the figure) There are seven main chakras in human beings. Those are (1) Root – Moolaadhaara Chakra, (2) Sacral- Swadhishtaana Chakra, (3) Solar Plexus – Manipoora Chakra, (4) Heart – Anaahatha Chakra, (5) Throat – Vishuddha Chakra, (6) Third Eye – Ajna Chakra, (7) Crown – Sahasraara Chakra

The mind is made up of different subtle layers. Each of these layers progressively are associated with the higher levels of consciousness. Each of these levels are related to the different chakra or psychic center located throughout the psychic body. 

In Kundalini Yoga, higher-level chakras are awakened and thus the activities associated with these higher psychic centers are also awakened. The basic method of awakening involves deep concentration on these chakras and forcing their arousal. Naada Yoga, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha and other forms of Yoga such as Asanas & Mantra Yoga are also used to stimulate the awakening.

3_ Brainwave Tones

There are five categories of brain waves so far classified, those are listed as in the picture below.

Consolidating many research reports we may come to a conclusion that the pineal gland in more active in the Delta, Theta and Gamma frequencies, ie., 0.5 – 3.9 Hz; 4 – 7.9Hz and 40 – 60Hz respectively. Regularly listening to these frequencies for at least 10 minutes twice a day will give a substantial result in the long run. Here is a sample exactly composed for the 3rd eye activation (Click Here)

Brainwave Frequencies - Brainwave music by Megamind Mastery

Time Required to See Results

It is relative to different factors. Not only it is dependent on each individual’s way of practicing and nurturing but also the unique nature of one’s brian itself. Even though, for me, it took approximately 3 months to see some visible changes (personality) I could feel it when I combined all 3 methods with a practise duration of around 30 minutes a day. Music, I may listen a little longer sometimes, say upto 90 minutes. This is about long term changes not about the relaxation or feeling you get while doing (that may be instantaneous)

Side Effects?

Take utmost caution and consult with respective experts before doing Kundalini Yoga and Brain wave music. Both have reported some side effects on some particular cases.

NB: External Links are not endorsed anyway, just for reference only. You may find better options out there.

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