Categories: Yoga

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga refers to the system of yoga that is described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras dated back to thousands of years. In this text, he describes eight stages of yoga, ie., Ashtanga Yoga,  which is collectively known as Raja Yoga.

In Indian languages, Raja means King. A king acts with self-confidence and independence. Hence it is the path of self-discipline and practice. It is also known as Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Step ) those are: 1. Yama: character-building restraints; 2. Niyama: character-building observances; 3. Asana: physical postures; 4. Pranayama: breath regulation; 5. Pratyahara: introversion; 6. Dharana: initial stage of meditation; 7. Dhyana: intermediate stage of meditation; 8. Samadhi: advanced stage of meditation- experience of Oneness.

The following are 10 yamas to practice to live like a king:

  1. Ahimsa — “Non-violence”
  2. Satya — “Truthfulness”
  3. Asteya — “Non-stealing”
  4. Brahmacharya — “Energy Conservation”
  5. Aparigraha (non-possessiveness)
  6. Kshama — “Patience”
  7. Dhriti — “Steadfastness”
  8. Daya — “Compassion”
  9. Arjava — “Honesty, straightforwardness”
  10. Mitahara — “Moderate appetite”

And the 5 Niyamas

  1. Saucha — “Purity”
  2. Santosha (contentment)
  3. Tapas (purification through discipline)
  4. Svadhyaya (self-study)
  5. Ishvara Pranidhana (devotion to a higher power)

The yamas (restraint) and niyamas (disciplines) are the guiding principles behind this comprehensive yoga system for the refinement of human behaviour and personality through it’s practice. Aim is not only to attain physical & mental health and vitality through asanas (postures) and pranayamas (breathing exercises) but also management of emotional conflicts and development of awareness and concentration through pratyahara (sensory withdrawal) and dhaarana (concentration). Raja yoga helps developing the creative aspect of consciousness for transcendental awareness (dhyana – meditation & samadhi – union with infinite spirit).


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