Categories: Yoga

Mantra Yoga

Mantra means hymns or chants or suggestion, derived from the word “mantrana”. Mantras are considered to be sacred and powerful, which can bring enormous physical, mental and spiritual potential when chanted with focus and devotion.

Mantra yoga is a science of steering our mind to an ambient poise for meditation. Chanting mantras can produce positive vibrations for all who chant as well as the one who listens. Vedic Sciences and Tantras are the origin of Mantra Yoga. The fact is, all the verses in Vedas are mantras. The belief is that any one who chants Vedas can achieve the ultimate salvation, the union with supreme consciousness just by chanting the mantras. That is what we aim through Mantra Yoga.

It is believed that more than 70 million mantras are there in ancient Indian texts. As per Yajnavalkya, it is thousands of times more powerful when meditating on mantras than whispered or spoken mantras.

Consistent repetition of the mantras, also called as Japa,  is well capable of bringing divine powers within our soul and body. It fills our cells with divine energy and destroys the microbes and restores vitals to the cells and tissues.


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