Categories: Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is referred to as awakening of the psychic centers or chakras, which exist in every individual. (Please refer to the figure) There are seven main chakras in human beings. Those are (1) Root – Moolaadhaara Chakra, (2) Sacral- Swadhishtaana Chakra, (3) Solar Plexus – Manipoora Chakra, (4) Heart – Anaahatha Chakra, (5) Throat – Vishuddha Chakra, (6) Third Eye – Ajna Chakra, (7) Crown – Sahasraara Chakra

Our mind is made up of different subtle layers. Each of these layers progressively are associated with the higher levels of consciousness. Each of these levels are related to the different chakra or psychic center located throughout the psychic body. 

In Kundalini Yoga, higher-level chakras are awakened and thus the activities associated with these higher psychic centers are also awakened. Basically to  awaken these chakras, we need to have a deep concentration on each chakra and force their arousal. Naada Yoga, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha and other forms of Yoga such as Asanas & Mantra Yoga are also used to stimulate the awakening.


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