Categories: Yoga

7 Best Yoga For Diabetes

Yoga is very effective in preventing and curing diseases as proven by many researchers, but one must consult a doctor before practicing yoga and practice under the supervision of a yoga teacher, along with yoga, healthy eating habits and having certain food items also help in preventing and curing diseases like diabetes. Here are 7 most effective yoga for diabetes asanas which can bring you a turn-around in your health life!

7  Poses Of  Yoga For Diabetes

  • Surya Namaskar
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Shalabhasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Mayurasana
  • SuptPavanMukthasana

I)  Surya Namaskara & It’s Steps

Surya-Namaskara  or Sun Salutation – one of the best in this series of yoga for diabetes controlling, is a set of 7 asanas done in 12 steps out of which 5 are repeated, ideally performed at sunrise as a worship to Sun God. For each of the 12 asanas, there is a breathing pattern, which has to be followed.

  1. Pranaamasana – Prayer pose (Exhale)
  2. HastaUttanasana – Raised arms pose (Inhale)
  3. PadaHastasana – Hand to foot pose (Exhale)
  4. AshwaSanchalanasana– Equestrian pose (Inhale)
  5. Parvathasana –  Mountain pose (Exhale)
  6. AshtangaNamaskara – Salute with eight parts or points (Inhale/Exhale)
  7. Bhujangasana – Cobra pose (Inhale)
  8. Parvathasana –  Mountain pose (Exhale)
  9. AshwaSanchalanasana– Equestrian pose (Inhale)
  10. PadaHastasana – Hand to foot pose (Exhale)
  11. HastaUttanasana – Raised arms pose (Inhale)
  12. Pranaamasana – Prayer pose (Exhale)

SuryaNamaskar a is an amazing exercise which cures a lot of diseases like asthma, backache, bronchitis, constipation, diabetes, low blood pressure, obesity, skin diseases, and tonsillitis. It also provides most of the key health benefits of yoga in a very condensed package. The visible benefit is the workout it provides for the muscles, the joints, ligaments and the skeletal system by improving posture, flexibility and balance. Hence it is highly recommended for dance practitioners and students as well. It is definitely lists top in ‘yoga for diabetes control’ discussions. 


People suffering from sciatica pain, Hernia, pain over the lower  part of spinal column, high BP, should not practice SuryaNamaskar. They can practice after these diseases are cured either through medications or through practicing other yoga asanas.

II)  Paschimottanasana

Stretch your legs forward and then bend forward, interlocking arms around on your feet and move head closer to your legs. Try to maintain your legs as straight as possible. This is another important pose in the list of ‘yoga for diabetes control’.

Calms mind, improves concentration, strengthens abdominal muscles, and improves the digestive system. It strengthens the entire spine and removes back pain and cures acidity, diabetes, and menstrual disorders.


People suffering from sciatica pain, Hernia, pain over the lower part of the spinal column should not practice this.  They can practice after these diseases are cured either through medications or through practicing other yoga asanas.

III)  Shalabhasana

Lay down on your stomach, placing both the hands and the ties, keeping the feet together. Lift your trunk and legs to the extent possible about the floor. Stay in this position for a comfortable duration. This also adds feather to the list of ‘yoga for diabetes control’.

Shalabhasana broadens the chest, makes the waist flexible, strengthens abdomen muscles and improves digestive system. Helps reduce fat around the stomach, waist, hips and thighs, cures diabetes and menstrual disorder.

IV)  Sarvangasana

lay down on your back. Place your hands on either side, aligned with legs, with palms touching the ground. Without bending the legs, lift your legs and move your body beyond the head, till the toes touch the floor. Stay in this position. Breathing normally for a comfortable duration. This pose not only holds an important place in this list of ‘yoga for diabetes control’ but also it is considered to be the king of all asanas.

Sarvangasana helps in reducing excess weight. Strengthens legs, knees, waist, neck and shoulders. Improves blood circulation and cures skin diseases. Removes bad odor from the body  cures acidity, digestive  problems, diabetes. Eye sight problems, insomnia, Piles, spondylitis and tonsillitis.

V)  Matsyasana

Sit on the padmasana, slowly move your trunk backwards until the hand rests on the ground. Keeping the hands on either side of your body. Lift your trunk to arc the spine so that the entire body is balanced on head and hips. Hold it right toe with your left hand and left toe with the right hand. Stay in this position for a comfortable duration.

Matyasana nourishes eyes, reduces eye strain, and improves vision. The spinal cord becomes flexible and helps you reduce back pains when tired after swimming for some time; one can easily rest and float on water in this position. expands the chest and lungs, which helps in curing lungs related problems. It improves the skin glow and enhances beauty. Cures bronchitis, digestive problems, depression, diabetes, skin diseases, and tonsillitis. This also an important pose in the list of ‘yoga for diabetes control’.

Precautions:  People suffering from sciatica pain, Hernia, pain over the lower  part of spinal column should not practice this.  They can practice after these diseases are cured either through medications or through practicing other yoga asanas.

VI)  Mayurasana

Keeping the knees shoulder width apart. Sit on your toes. Place your palms on the floor with fingers pointing away from the body towards the left and right sides. Join your elbows and adjust elbows just under the navel. Lift your knees and legs. Balancing the body weight on elbows. Now stretch your legs like feathers of peacock and stay in this position for the comfortable duration of breathing normally. This plays an important role in the list of ‘yoga for diabetes control’ and worth mastering it for your overall well being.

Mayurasana could alleviate all digestive system related problems and tone abdominal organs. It’s a good exercise for the liver and pancreas and cures diabetes. Mayurasana improves eyesight. And strengthens arms and nerves ,

Precautions:  People suffering from high blood pressure and hernia should not practice this.  They can practice after these diseases are cured either through medications or through practicing other yoga asanas.

VII)  SuptPawanMuktasana

lie down on your back, keeping the leg straight. Bend the left leg at knee and move it on top of chest tightly with both the hands around the bent left leg and raise it above floor. Repeat the same for the right leg as well.

Can also be practiced by bending both the legs and bringing both the knees. Together close to chest and quailing hands around both the legs and bringing the chin closer to the knees. This is the final pose in the list of ‘yoga for diabetes control’.

Suptpavanmukthasana improves blood circulation in the legs and helps in reducing joint pains. Strengthens legs and hips cure acidity, digestive problems, diabetes, gastric problems, and high blood pressure. Improves the digestive system, helps in reducing back pain. And also helps in curing spondylitis.

To see the effect obvious, make it your daily routine. Yoga results are clearly visible when you do it consistently on a timely schedule. Take charge and stay healthy.


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